Le Département des Relations Internationales de L’Association Léonard de Vinci est heureux de vous présenter la semaine internationale 2014 qui se tiendra au PULV du 17 au 21 Mars.
Lors de cette semaine, les étudiants des écoles de Vinci EMLV, ESILV, et IIM pourront suivre différentes conférences, et leurs professeurs pourront rencontrer leurs homologues internationaux.
Parmi ce programme de conférences en anglais, nous retrouvons :
Et bien d’autres encore, qui pourront converger vers le même thème,
Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
Nous avons en effet choisi cette année ce thème essentiel et transversal autour duquel la semaine internationale pourra s’articuler pour les étudiants aussi bien Managers qu’ Ingénieurs ou Web Designers.
Les Professeurs Thierry Fabiani, Marcos Lima et Leila Namaci travaillent actuellement sur cette recherche au sein de l’incubateur (PEEGO), et en collaboration avec le Prof . Sandro Cabral de l’ Universidade Federal da Bahia UFBA- Brésil (Fulbright visiting professor à New York University, NYU).
Ils présenteront leurs publications, et discuteront avec les « visiting professors » de la semaine internationale. Cet échange sera suivi du traditionnel « cheese and wine » le 19 mars.
Nous sommes heureux d’accueillir nos partenaires allemands, anglais, autrichiens, américains, chinois, danois, finlandais, lituaniens et marocains.
Cette année, nous recevrons pour la première fois un groupe de 28 étudiants « incoming students» de l’université de Coventry (GB). Ils suivront les conférences avec les étudiants français, et seront accompagnés par leurs professeurs.
Vous trouverez dans le catalogue ci-dessous tous les participants à la semaine internationale et le programme complet.
Nous espérons ainsi que vous pourrez saisir de nouvelles opportunités qui pourraient servir à vos futurs projets.
Marie Josèphe Gridel, Directrice des Relations Internationales ALDV
Leonard de Vinci International Relations Department is proud to present its XIIth International Week
from the 17th to 21st of March 2014.
A few figures on the 2014 International Week:
During this event, students from the Vinci schools will attend a selection of conferences, and Léonard de Vinci faculty will meet with their international counterparts.
This selection of conferences includes :
and many more which could provide useful skills in the field of Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
This will be a focal point for our International Week 2014, as well as for our future Managers , Engineers and Web Designers.The ALDV research team has a natural vocation for publication in the domains of Entrepreneurshipand Innovation. Hosting a business incubator (PEEGO) with start up companies from our three schools, it maintains a daily interaction with innovative ideas from young entrepreneurs in the domains of business, internet and engineering, which it converts into research material.
The complementary nature of the three schools makes it possible to investigate both the managerial and technological aspects of new venture creation. One such project involves understanding the perceptions of students and faculty around key success factors for business incubators in institutions of higher learning in France.
The ALDV research team has also recently finished a case study on one of its start-ups, to be published as a book chapter.
In addition, they are interested in better understanding the traits of successful entrepreneurs, as discussed in a recent article presented in the « Marketing & Entrepreneurship » conference in Boston, which will be published in the September edition of the « Independent Journal of Management & Production ».
Professors Thierry Fabiani, Marcos Lima and Laila Namaci are currently working on this research with Prof Sandro Cabral from the Universidade Federal da Bahia UFBA ( Brazil), a « Fulbright Visiting Professor » at New York University.
They will present their work to our visiting professors and discuss this with them during the traditional cheese and wine party on March 19th.
We welcome the professors from our partner universities in the USA, Austria, Finland, Germany, Lithuania, Denmark, and the UK. From UK, we are very pleased to welcome faculty from Coventry University, but also a special group of 28 students who will attend the conferences.
In the following pages you will find the complete catalogue of visiting professors alongside Léonard de Vinci faculty, who also enjoy taking part in international teaching mobility.
Enjoy and get inspired by the international week to explore new exciting opportunities, Be the world !
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