Emmanuel Josserand; Martijn Boersma
Australia's right to disconnect from work: Beyond rhetoric and towards implementation Journal Article
In: Journal Of Industrial Relations, vol. 66, no. 5, pp. 703-720, 2024.
title = {Australia's right to disconnect from work: Beyond rhetoric and towards implementation},
author = {Emmanuel Josserand and Martijn Boersma},
url = {https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epub/10.1177/00221856241290625},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-11-01},
journal = {Journal Of Industrial Relations},
volume = {66},
number = {5},
pages = {703-720},
abstract = {Amendments to the Fair Work Act now allow workers in Australia a right to disconnect. The implementation of this right precipitated a polarised public debate that was not consistently evidence-based, encompassing the often-contradictory perspectives of unions, employers, business lobbies and politicians. This study offers a more nuanced and evidence-based understanding of the right to disconnect, its benefits and challenges and the possible impact on Australian employment practices and relations. It provides an international comparative analysis; it explores the literature on related topics such as work-life balance, occupational stress, management practices and productivity; and it proposes a model of the consequences of technology-enabled flexible work. The comparative analysis and literature review are supplemented with themes identified in Australian media coverage through a Leximancer analysis. The findings discuss the advantages and limitations of diverse top-down legislative or self-regulatory pathways experienced overseas by early adopters. While the right to disconnect can improve work-life balance, health and well-being and productivity, its implementation requires careful consideration of industry-specific contexts, clear policies and cultural shifts in workplaces to mitigate the risks associated with hyperconnectivity. These insights are useful for Australia as it enters the implementation phase of the right to disconnect.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Bronwyn Hemsley; Stephen Dann; Courtney Reddacliff; Rebecca Smith; Fiona Given; Valerie Gay; Tuck Wah Leong; Emmanuel Josserand; Katrina Skellernd; Chriss Bull; Stuart Palmer; Susan Balandin
Views on the usability, design, and future possibilities of a 3D food printer for people with dysphagia: outcomes of an immersive experience Journal Article
In: Disability And Rehabilitation, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 527-536, 2024.
title = {Views on the usability, design, and future possibilities of a 3D food printer for people with dysphagia: outcomes of an immersive experience},
author = {Bronwyn Hemsley and Stephen Dann and Courtney Reddacliff and Rebecca Smith and Fiona Given and Valerie Gay and Tuck Wah Leong and Emmanuel Josserand and Katrina Skellernd and Chriss Bull and Stuart Palmer and Susan Balandin},
url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17483107.2022.2131914},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-09-01},
journal = {Disability And Rehabilitation},
volume = {19},
number = {3},
pages = {527-536},
abstract = {Purpose
Although 3D food printing is expected to enable the creation of visually appealing pureed food for people with disability and dysphagia, little is known about the user experience in engaging with 3D food printing or the feasibility of use with populations who need texture-modified foods. The aim of this study was to explore the feasibility and usability of using domestic-scale 3D food printer as an assistive technology to print pureed food into attractive food shapes for people with dysphagia.
Materials and Methods
In total, 16 participants engaged in the unfamiliar, novel process of using a domestic-scale 3D food printer (choosing, printing, tasting), designed for printing pureed food, and discussed their impressions in focus group or individual interviews.
Results and Conclusions
Overall, results demonstrated that informed experts who were novice users perceived the 3D food printing process to be fun but time consuming, and that 3D food printers might not yet be suitable for people with dysphagia or their supporters. Slow response time, lack of user feedback, scant detail on the appropriate recipes for the pureed food to create a successful print, and small font on the user panel interface were perceived as barriers to accessibility for people with disability and older people. Participants expected more interactive elements and feedback from the device, particularly in relation to resolving printer or user errors. This study will inform future usability trials and food safety research into 3D printed foods for people with disability and dysphagia.
3D food printers potentially have a role as an assistive technology in the preparation of texture-modified foods for people with disability and dysphagia.
To increase feasibility, 3D food printers should be co-designed with people with disability and their supporters and health professionals working in the field of dysphagia and rehabilitation.
Experts struggled to be able to print 3D pureed shapes owing to relatively low usability of the 3D food printer tested with problems using the interface and resolving problems in the print.
3D food printing is a fun and novel activity and may help to engage people with disability and dysphagia in making choices around the shape of the food to be printed.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Emmanuel Josserand; Anne-Laure Mention; Jan Hohberger; Pierre-Jean Barlatier
Configurations of social media-enabled strategies for open innovation, firm performance, and their barriers to adoption Journal Article
In: Journal Of Product Innovation Management, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 30-57, 2023.
title = {Configurations of social media-enabled strategies for open innovation, firm performance, and their barriers to adoption},
author = {Emmanuel Josserand and Anne-Laure Mention and Jan Hohberger and Pierre-Jean Barlatier},
url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jpim.12647},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-01-01},
journal = {Journal Of Product Innovation Management},
volume = {40},
number = {1},
pages = {30-57},
abstract = {The use of social media offers tremendous innovation potential. Yet, while cur-rent research emphasizes success stories, little is known about how firms canleverage the full potential of their social media use for open innovation. In thispaper, the authors address this gap by conducting a configurational analysis todevelop an integrative taxonomy of social media-enabled strategies for openinnovation. This analysis stems from the integration of internal and externalvariables such as social media communication activities, organizational inno-vation seekers, potential innovation providers, the stages of the open innova-tion process, and their relationship with different performance outcomes andbarriers to social media adoption for open innovation. Through an empiricalstudy of 337 firms based in eight countries, four clusters have been identifiedthat are characterized as distinct strategies:?marketing semi-open innovators,??cross-department semi-open innovators,??cross-department full processsemi-open innovators?and?broad adopters open innovators.?The findingsreveal the trade-offs associated with different strategies for implementingsocial media for open innovation and provide insights of the use of these strat-egies. By doing so, they suggest a more nuanced approach that contrasts withthe traditionally positive (or even rosy) depiction of the effects of social mediaon open innovation. Accordingly, managers are encouraged to contemplatetheir organizational competencies, capabilities, and their strategic intent whendrafting social media strategies for open innovation. Selective approaches,along with greater adoption leading to greater benefits, are shown to be morerewarding than a middle way that spreads things too thin. Avenues for furtherresearch include qualitative explorations of the trajectories unfolding throughimplementing social media strategies for innovation activities and the use ofobjective performance measures rather than subjective perceptions from informants to understand the complex relationships between social mediaadoption and performance.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Thibaut Bardon; Emmanuel Josserand; Roberta Sferrazzo; Stewart Clegg
Tensions between (Post)Bureaucratic and Neo?normative Demands: Investigating Employees' Subjective Positions at EurAirport Journal Article
In: British Journal Of Management, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 57-71, 2023.
title = {Tensions between (Post)Bureaucratic and Neo?normative Demands: Investigating Employees' Subjective Positions at EurAirport},
author = {Thibaut Bardon and Emmanuel Josserand and Roberta Sferrazzo and Stewart Clegg},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8551.12574},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-01-01},
journal = {British Journal Of Management},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
pages = {57-71},
abstract = {The introduction of a neo-normative discourse in a (post)bureaucratic organization
can result in tensions between the neo-normative injunction to be authentic and exhortations to fit with the ideal (post)bureaucratic organizational subject. Focusing on
how shopfloor workers subjectively experience the tensions between neo-normative and
(post)bureaucratic demands, this empirical investigation yielded three major contributions. First, it pinpointed and addressed significant gaps in existing studies of normative
and neo-normative discourse. Second, the study better distinguished normative and neonormative control on the basis of two tensions: (1) authenticity versus conformity; and (2)
conflation versus differentiation between life and work. Third, the study identified four
distinct subject positions that demonstrated how organizational participants creatively
appropriate and strive to resolve these two tensions in a work setting that mixes normative and neo-normative control.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Pierre-Jean Barlatier; Emmanuel Josserand; Jan Hohberger; Anne-Laure Mention
Configurations of social media-enabled strategies for open innovation, firm performance, and their barriers to adoption Journal Article
In: Journal Of Product Innovation Management, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 30-57, 2023.
title = {Configurations of social media-enabled strategies for open innovation, firm performance, and their barriers to adoption},
author = {Pierre-Jean Barlatier and Emmanuel Josserand and Jan Hohberger and Anne-Laure Mention},
url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jpim.12647},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-01-01},
journal = {Journal Of Product Innovation Management},
volume = {40},
number = {1},
pages = {30-57},
abstract = {The use of social media offers tremendous innovation potential. Yet, while cur-rent research emphasizes success stories, little is known about how firms canleverage the full potential of their social media use for open innovation. In thispaper, the authors address this gap by conducting a configurational analysis todevelop an integrative taxonomy of social media-enabled strategies for openinnovation. This analysis stems from the integration of internal and externalvariables such as social media communication activities, organizational inno-vation seekers, potential innovation providers, the stages of the open innova-tion process, and their relationship with different performance outcomes andbarriers to social media adoption for open innovation. Through an empiricalstudy of 337 firms based in eight countries, four clusters have been identifiedthat are characterized as distinct strategies:?marketing semi-open innovators,??cross-department semi-open innovators,??cross-department full processsemi-open innovators?and?broad adopters open innovators.?The findingsreveal the trade-offs associated with different strategies for implementingsocial media for open innovation and provide insights of the use of these strat-egies. By doing so, they suggest a more nuanced approach that contrasts withthe traditionally positive (or even rosy) depiction of the effects of social mediaon open innovation. Accordingly, managers are encouraged to contemplatetheir organizational competencies, capabilities, and their strategic intent whendrafting social media strategies for open innovation. Selective approaches,along with greater adoption leading to greater benefits, are shown to be morerewarding than a middle way that spreads things too thin. Avenues for furtherresearch include qualitative explorations of the trajectories unfolding throughimplementing social media strategies for innovation activities and the use ofobjective performance measures rather than subjective perceptions from informants to understand the complex relationships between social mediaadoption and performance.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Emmanuel Josserand; Martijn Boersma; Sarah Kaine; Alice Payne
Making sense of downstream labour risk in global value chains: The case of the Australian cotton industry Journal Article
In: Journal Of Industrial Relations, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 200-222, 2022.
title = {Making sense of downstream labour risk in global value chains: The case of the Australian cotton industry},
author = {Emmanuel Josserand and Martijn Boersma and Sarah Kaine and Alice Payne},
url = {https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/00221856211066628?journalCode=jira},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-04-01},
journal = {Journal Of Industrial Relations},
volume = {64},
number = {2},
pages = {200-222},
abstract = {While the efforts by actors on the buyer-side of value chains - such as brands and retai-
lers - to address upstream labour abuses are well documented, there is a lack of research
into how actors on the production-side of value chains - such as raw material producers
- can identify and address downstream labour risks. This research presents the findings of
an action research project that focused on the Australian cotton industry. By applying a
sense-making lens, we propose four properties that can be used to identify labour risk in
global value chains, providing insights into the capacity of producers to address down-
stream labour abuses. We suggest that there is a possibility for a ?book-end' approach
that combines upstream and downstream actions by buyers and producers in global
value chains.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Michael Rawling; Sarah Kaine; Martijn Boersma; Emmanuel Josserand
Multi-stakeholder frameworks for rectification of non-compliance in cleaning supply chains: the case of the Cleaning Accountability Framework Journal Article
In: Federal Law Review, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 438-464, 2021.
title = {Multi-stakeholder frameworks for rectification of non-compliance in cleaning supply chains: the case of the Cleaning Accountability Framework},
author = {Michael Rawling and Sarah Kaine and Martijn Boersma and Emmanuel Josserand},
url = {https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0067205X211016575},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-09-01},
journal = {Federal Law Review},
volume = {49},
number = {3},
pages = {438-464},
abstract = {There is now an expanding body of literature on the significant problem of business non-compliance with minimum labour standards including ?wage theft'. Extended liability regulation beyond the direct employer is seen as one solution to this non-compliance in fragmented but hierarchically organised industries?such as the cleaning industry. This article uses empirical evidence to assess the effectiveness of one such regulatory scheme, the Cleaning Accountability Framework (CAF), in addressing non-compliance with minimum labour standards (including provisions of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) and the Cleaning Services Award 2020). We find that CAF has been successful in identifying and rectifying certain non-compliance, improving working conditions for some cleaners involved in the scheme. We synthesise the key success factors of CAF in view of envisioning the adoption of such co-regulation frameworks in other industries. We also propose legal reforms that will support change across the cleaning industry.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Krithika Randawa; Joel West; Katrina Skelern; Emmanuel Josserand
Evolving a Value Chain to an Open Innovation Ecosystem: Cognitive Engagement of Stakeholders in Customizing Medical Implants Journal Article
In: California Management Review, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 101-134, 2021.
title = {Evolving a Value Chain to an Open Innovation Ecosystem: Cognitive Engagement of Stakeholders in Customizing Medical Implants},
author = {Krithika Randawa and Joel West and Katrina Skelern and Emmanuel Josserand},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0008125620974435},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-02-01},
journal = {California Management Review},
volume = {63},
number = {2},
pages = {101-134},
abstract = {While open innovation ecosystems allow a firm to harness external sources of value creation, these external ties can also constrain its ability to adapt its innovation strategy to pursue new opportunities. This article looks at how an incumbent firm approached such constraints, and used cognitive artifacts to transform its value chain into a collaborative ecosystem. It examines the case of a 3D printing-enabled shift to mass customization of orthopedic medical implants. The results demonstrate how firms can use artifacts to build a shared understanding across heterogeneous stakeholders as they explore and develop new open innovation models, and how this process can be managed flexibly to avoid adopting a locally (rather than globally) optimal strategy.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Martijn Boersma; Emmanuel Josserand
Integrated strategies of union legitimacy (re)building: a process model Conference
AIRAANZ 2025 Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 2025.
title = {Integrated strategies of union legitimacy (re)building: a process model},
author = {Martijn Boersma and Emmanuel Josserand},
url = {https://www.airaanz.org/conference/airaanz-conference-2025},
year = {2025},
date = {2025-02-01},
booktitle = {AIRAANZ 2025 Conference},
address = {Wellington, New Zealand},
abstract = {This study presents a longitudinal analysis examining how the Transport Workers Union (TWU) re-established its legitimacy through integrated strategies encompassing multiple comprehensive campaigns in road transport, aviation, and the gig economy in Australia. The study reveals how unions can gain pragmatic legitimacy through power recomposition, moral legitimacy through moral framing, and cognitive legitimacy by shaping assumptions. We highlight the systematic transfer of proven strategies to different industry segments, adapting to specific conditions and audiences. Our findings provide a framework for unions to revitalize their influence within a dynamic industrial relations landscape.},
note = {Monday 3 to Wednesday 5 February 2025.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Valerie Gay; Bérangère Branchet; Emmanuel Josserand
Adapting Studio-Based Learning in Engineering to Incorporate International Perspectives Conference
2024 World Engineering Education Forum - Global Engineering Deans Council (WEEF-GEDC), Sydney, Australia, 2024.
title = {Adapting Studio-Based Learning in Engineering to Incorporate International Perspectives},
author = {Valerie Gay and Bérangère Branchet and Emmanuel Josserand},
url = {https://weef2024.org/},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-12-01},
booktitle = {2024 World Engineering Education Forum - Global Engineering Deans Council (WEEF-GEDC)},
address = {Sydney, Australia},
abstract = {This paper explores the integration of an
international dimension into Australian engineering studiobased
subjects through a strategic partnership with a French
engineering school in Paris. The study uses an action research
methodology to explore what worked successfully and to
identify areas for future improvement, to guide others who seek
to build international collaboration into engineering education
programs. The program involved adapting a traditional
engineering studio subject into a condensed 3-week accelerated
format, as well as encouraging students to engage in enriching
extracurricular activities and conversational French lessons.
The challenges and opportunities encountered during 2
consecutive implementations of this novel subject in 2023 and
2024 are discussed, drawing insights from both students and
academic teaching staff using feedback from participants and
staff observations. This paper underscores the transformative
potential of studio-based learning when conducted across
geographical borders.},
note = {02 au 05/12/2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Jingshu Du; Emmanuel Josserand; Thibaut Bardon; Pierre-Jean Barlatier; Philippe Hermel; Émilie Ruiz
Special issue ?Delivering Sustainability through Ecosystem Innovation? Conference
M@n@gement, Paris, France, 2024.
title = {Special issue ?Delivering Sustainability through Ecosystem Innovation?},
author = {Jingshu Du and Emmanuel Josserand and Thibaut Bardon and Pierre-Jean Barlatier and Philippe Hermel and Émilie Ruiz},
url = {https://management-aims.com/index.php/mgmt/announcement/view/12},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-09-01},
booktitle = {M@n@gement},
address = {Paris, France},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {online},
tppubtype = {conference}
Emmanuel Josserand; Jingshu Du; Thibaut Bardon; Pierre-Jean Barlatier; Philippe Hermel; Émilie Ruiz
"Innovation Day" and Paper Development Workshop (PDW) Conference
M@n@gement Special Issue, Paris, France, 2024.
title = {"Innovation Day" and Paper Development Workshop (PDW)},
author = {Emmanuel Josserand and Jingshu Du and Thibaut Bardon and Pierre-Jean Barlatier and Philippe Hermel and Émilie Ruiz},
url = {https://www.emlv.fr/en/emlvs-innovation-day-a-collaborative-milestone-for-ecosystem-innovation/},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-09-01},
booktitle = {M@n@gement Special Issue},
address = {Paris, France},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Emmanuel Josserand
Sustainable Innovation Ecosystem Research Day - AIMS-EMLV, France, 2024.
title = {An integrated multilevel perspective of innovation ecosystem emergence and integration: the co-evolutionary stages and activities of ecosystem work},
author = {Emmanuel Josserand},
url = {https://www.emlv.fr/en/emlvs-innovation-day-a-collaborative-milestone-for-ecosystem-innovation/},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-09-01},
booktitle = {Sustainable Innovation Ecosystem Research Day - AIMS-EMLV},
address = {France},
abstract = {Innovation ecosystems are powerful mechanisms for enterprising collectives to co-produce imaginative integrated solutions that better serve markets, society, the environment, and even bring about largescale socio-technical transformation. However, our understanding of how we effectively cocreate and integrate innovation ecosystems within a broader socio-technical context and affect change or transformation, remains limited.
In this paper we construct a multilevel perspective of innovation ecosystem emergence and integration through the synthesis of three distinct theoretical perspectives in extant literature - structural, co-evolutionary, multilevel socio-technical - to which we add our findings of how a mutual-led innovation ecosystem (a member-owned entity) pursuing largescale regenerative environmental, commercial, and societal outcomes emerges, integrates and affects change.
We present four significant contributions to the innovation ecosystem literature. First, we identify an originating stage that precedes the four co-evolutionary stages already noted in extant literature. The originating stage explains how contextual influences contribute to the recognition of a collective opportunity, the ecosystem value proposition addressing it, and the early network and field conditions that help seed its beginnings. Second, we introduce the concept of ecosystem work - the inner ecosystem work of ecosystem building which is well documented in extant literature, and the outer ecosystem work of field-reconfiguring and regime-integrating. We show how the originating stage crucially informs the early inner work of ecosystem building and the outer work of field reconfiguration essential to innovation ecosystem emergence. Third, we identify eight activities of ecosystem work: connecting, activating, assembling, evidencing, co-designing, configuring, market making, and instituting. The ecosystem work concept and the eight activities represent a previously invisible set of multi-level processes responsible for innovation ecosystem emergence and integration. The fourth contribution is the combination of our case study findings with a synthesis of extant literature to create an integrated multi-level perspective of innovation ecosystem emergence and integration.
Key words: Innovation ecosystem, ecosystem work, multi-level perspective, mutual-led, activities of ecosystem work, co-evolutionary stages of emergence and integration},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Emmanuel Josserand
European Conference on Innovation & Entrepreneurship (ECIE), Porto, Portugal, 2023.
title = {Reframing disruptive innovation: semantic literature review, research agenda, and disruptive dimensions framework},
author = {Emmanuel Josserand},
url = {http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/servlet/event.showcfp?eventid=169949©ownerid=8438},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-09-01},
booktitle = {European Conference on Innovation & Entrepreneurship (ECIE)},
address = {Porto, Portugal},
abstract = {Since its introduction by Christensen and Bower (1995), disruptive innovation has become the topic of extensive critique and expansive research, and scholars have called for a review to address the resultant lack of clarity regarding the foundational principles and evolution of the field. In response, this study examines three decades of literature to reframe disruptive innovation for theoretical cogency and practical relevance today. To this end, we undertook a systematic and unbiased search for the literature, using ARTIREV bibliometric software (version For an objective analysis of the current research themes, we used the Leximancer semantic text mining software (V5.0.261). The results reveal a dramatic expansion of disruptive innovation regarding the participating actors (beyond incumbents and new entrants), the originating markets (beyond new and niche), and the disruptive dimensions (beyond technology, price, performance) that determine the disruptive innovation process, potential and outcome. They also reveal digital and ecosystem-centric dimensions of the phenomenon, which transform disruptive innovation from a firm-centric innovation process that disrupts markets and industries over time, to a collective innovation alignment process that disrupts multiple systems and society. Previously unacknowledged forms of disruptive innovation, disruptive resource-constrained innovation and disruptive innovation for sustainable development, are also introduced to the field. Against this expansive backdrop we captured in a framework the dynamic dimensions of disruptive innovation identified by researchers. These include: (1) context, (2) form (actors, alignment, responsiveness), (3) marketplace, (4) proposition, and (5) capabilities. These dynamic dimensions shape disruptive innovation process, potential and outcome and account for the diversity of the manifestation of disruptive innovation today. In the development of the framework and the reframing of disruptive innovation, we identify an expansionary research agenda with ten future research avenues.},
note = {21-22 September 2023},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Emmanuel Josserand
Ecosystem sustainability innovation strategy Conference
Transformations Community Conference, Sydney, australia, 2023.
title = {Ecosystem sustainability innovation strategy},
author = {Emmanuel Josserand},
url = {https://transformationscommunity.org/2023-conference/australia},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-07-01},
booktitle = {Transformations Community Conference},
address = {Sydney, australia},
abstract = {The objective of this transformative practice session is to let participants experience a holistic method for any organization to articulate its ecosystem sustainability innovation strategy. The session will guide the participants towards a series of frameworks and canvases that will allow them to explore a 5-step process:
1- Sustainability strategy formulation
2- Eco-system mapping and value proposition
3- Innovative practice identification and prioritization
4- Universal business model innovation
5- Strategy for collaborative transformation
A common case study will be presented initially; however, participants will be given the choice to work on their own organisation and eco-system if they choose to do so. They will work in small peer-feedback groups and share their findings after each step with the other groups.
This session will address how to move organizations from an organizational/optimization perspective to an ecosystem/transformation collaboration perspective. As such it proposes an integrated transformation approach that is informed by the best current research and frameworks. Participants will have a first-hand experience of how to use the tools that they can immediately utilise in their organization.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Emmanuel Josserand; Andrew Sturdy
Comment l'Australie a réduit les coûts (et l'influence) des cabinets de conseil Miscellaneous
The Conversation, 2025.
title = {Comment l'Australie a réduit les coûts (et l'influence) des cabinets de conseil},
author = {Emmanuel Josserand and Andrew Sturdy},
url = {https://theconversation.com/comment-laustralie-a-reduit-les-couts-et-linfluence-des-cabinets-de-conseil-249749},
year = {2025},
date = {2025-03-01},
howpublished = {The Conversation},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {misc}
Emmanuel Josserand; Andrew Sturdy
How Australia's government is spending less on consultants - and trying to rebuild the public service Miscellaneous
The Conversation, 2025.
title = {How Australia's government is spending less on consultants - and trying to rebuild the public service},
author = {Emmanuel Josserand and Andrew Sturdy},
url = {https://theconversation.com/how-australias-government-is-spending-less-on-consultants-and-trying-to-rebuild-the-public-service-252748},
year = {2025},
date = {2025-03-01},
howpublished = {The Conversation},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {misc}
Emmanuel Josserand
L'utilisation des médias sociaux pour l'innovation ouverte Miscellaneous
FNEGE Médias, Video, 2025.
title = {L'utilisation des médias sociaux pour l'innovation ouverte},
author = {Emmanuel Josserand},
url = {https://fnege-medias.fr/fnege-video/lutilisation-des-medias-sociaux-pour-linnovation-ouverte/},
year = {2025},
date = {2025-02-01},
howpublished = {FNEGE Médias, Video},
note = {Notre recherche montre que les entreprises qui sont a? me?me d'exploiter pleinement le potentiel des re?seaux sociaux pour l'innovation ouverte doivent adopter une approche holistique. Cela implique une strate?gie d'innovation claire et reposant sur une approche collaborative mais aussi un investissement suffisant pour permettre un engagement de toute l'entreprise. Cet engagement est aussi ne?cessaire pour de?passer les barrie?res initiales a? l'adoption. Si un tel engagement n'est pas possible, une approcheminimaliste, focalise?e sur la fonction marketing peut se justifier mais n'a que peu d'effet sur l'innovation. En revanche, les strate?gies interme?diaires risquent de voir l'entreprise enlise?e dans une logique couteuse et peu productive.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {misc}
Emmanuel Josserand
L'utilisation des médias sociaux pour l'innovation ouverte Miscellaneous
FNEGE Médias, Podcast, 2025.
title = {L'utilisation des médias sociaux pour l'innovation ouverte},
author = {Emmanuel Josserand},
url = {https://fnege-medias.fr/podcast/lutilisation-des-medias-sociaux-pour-linnovation-ouverte/
year = {2025},
date = {2025-02-01},
howpublished = {FNEGE Médias, Podcast},
note = {Notre recherche montre que les entreprises qui sont a? me?me d'exploiter pleinement le potentiel des re?seaux sociaux pour l'innovation ouverte doivent adopter une approche holistique. Cela implique une strate?gie d'innovation claire et reposant sur une approche collaborative mais aussi un investissement suffisant pour permettre un engagement de toute l'entreprise. Cet engagement est aussi ne?cessaire pour de?passer les barrie?res initiales a? l'adoption. Si un tel engagement n'est pas possible, une approcheminimaliste, focalise?e sur la fonction marketing peut se justifier mais n'a que peu d'effet sur l'innovation. En revanche, les strate?gies interme?diaires risquent de voir l'entreprise enlise?e dans une logique couteuse et peu productive.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {misc}
Emmanuel Josserand; Martijn Boersma
Australians now have the right to disconnect - but how workplaces react will be crucial Miscellaneous
The conversation, 2024.
title = {Australians now have the right to disconnect - but how workplaces react will be crucial},
author = {Emmanuel Josserand and Martijn Boersma},
url = {https://theconversation.com/australians-now-have-the-right-to-disconnect-but-how-workplaces-react-will-be-crucial-237023},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-08-01},
howpublished = {The conversation},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {misc}
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