
Jinan Charafeddine

De Vinci Research Center


Journal Articles

Wafaa Shakir; Ali Mahdi; Hani Hamdan; Jinan Charafeddine; Haitham Satai; Radouane Akrache; Samir Hadad; Jinane Sayah

Novel Approximate Distribution of the Generalized Turbulence Channels for MIMO FSO Communications Journal Article

In: Ieee Photonics Journal, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 1 - 15, 2024.

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Fadi Dornaika; Sally El Hajjar; Jinan Charafeddine

Towards unsupervised radiograph clustering for COVID-19: The use of graph-based multi-view clustering Journal Article

In: Engineering Applications Of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 133, no. Part D, pp. 108336, 2024.

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Danyang Sun; Fadi Dornaika; Jinan Charafeddine

LCAMix: Local-and-contour aware grid mixing based data augmentation for medical image segmentation Journal Article

In: Information Fusion, vol. 110, pp. 102484, 2024.

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Proceedings Articles

Fadi Dornaika; Abdallah Baradaaji; Jinan Charafeddine

Semi-supervised Classification through Data and Label Graph Fusion Proceedings Article

In: Semi-supervised Classification through Data and Label Graph Fusion, Cairo, Egypt, 2024, ISBN: ISBN:979-8-3503-0325-4.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Fadi Dornaika; Jinan Charafeddine

Semi-supervised Classification through Data and Label Graph Fusion Proceedings Article

In: "2023 International Conference on Computer and Applications (ICCA)", pp. pp. 1-6, IEEE, Cairo , Egypt, 2023, ISBN: ISBN 979-8-3503-0325-4.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

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