
Laura Recuero Virto

De Vinci Research Center

Laura Recuero Virto

Laura Recuero Virto has expertise on radio frequency, natural resource conservation, and infrastructure economics. She has recently worked for the Ocean University Initiative at the European University for Marine Affairs as research coordinator with a special focus on underwater noise propagation and its impact on biodiversity. She has previously worked for the French Ministry of foreign affairs as head of unit on economic analysis and globalization and chief economist, as well as for the OECD, the French Regulatory Authority on Telecommunications, the French Electronic Communications, Postal and Print media distribution Regulatory Authority, the French Regulatory Authority for Railway and Road Activities, Télécom ParisTech, the World Bank Institute, Nortel Networks, le Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales and the European Space Agency. At Télécom ParisTech, Nortel Networks, and the French and European space agencies, she worked on radio frequency R&D and operational projects. At the OECD, she contributed to the African economic outlook, with a special focus on telecom infrastructure. She has contributed to ministerial meetings on telecom infrastructure (African Union, OECD-NEPAD) and has media appearances in Le Monde, Financial Times, Les Afriques, RFI, amongst others. She was recently seconded to the Environment Directorate at the OECD to produce content on the potential contribution of the OECD to marine spatial planning and to the indicators on the Sustainable Development Goal 14 ?Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development?. She has given courses on environmental and natural resource economics at Mines ParisTech, SciencePo Paris and on econometrics and biodiversity economics at the Polytechnic School of Paris. She holds a B.A. degree on telecommunications engineering, an MBA on international trade (Polytechnic University of Madrid), a PhD in economics (Toulouse School of Economics), and a PhD in environmental engineering with a focus on biodiversity conservation (Polytechnic University of Madrid). She has an HDR (Habilitation pour diriger des recherches) from Paris Dauphine since 2016.



Journal Articles

Laura Recuero Virto; Peter Saba; Arno Thielens; Marek Czerwinski; Paul Noumba Um

Digital Sustainability Trade-Offs: Public Perceptions of Mobile Radiation and Green Roofs Journal Article

In: Communications of the AIS, vol. 56, no. 1, 2025.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Laura Recuero Virto; Arno Thielens; Marek Czerwinski; Jérémy Froidevaux

The exposure of non-human living organisms to mobile communication emissions: A survey to establish European stakeholders' policy option preferences Journal Article

In: Risk Analysis, vol. 44, no. 11, pp. 2554-2568, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Maxime Sèbe; Laura Recuero Virto; Akoh Fabien Yao; Hervé Dumez

Environmentally Differentiated Port Dues: A Case Study for a Transparent Scheme Journal Article

In: Environmental & Resource Economics, vol. 87, no. 11, pp. 2993-3009, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Laura Recuero Virto; Marek Czerwinski; Jérémy Froidevaux

The determinants of legislation for radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) with the onset of 5G: An empirical analysis with a worldwide cross-sectional dataset Journal Article

In: Risk Analysis, vol. 44, no. 9, pp. 2046-2088, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Akoh Fabien Yao; Maxime Sèbe; Laura Recuero Virto; Abdelhak Nassiri; Hervé Dumez

The effect of LNG bunkering on port competitiveness using multilevel data analysis Journal Article

In: Transportation Research Part D-Transport And Environment, vol. 132, pp. 104240, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Farid Gasmi; Paul Noumba Um; Laura Recuero Virto; Peter Saba

Digital Literacy, Sustainable Development and Radiation Regulation: Policy and Information Systems Implications Journal Article

In: Information Systems Frontiers, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Jérémy Froidevaux; Laura Recuero Virto; Marek Czerwinski; Arno Thielens; Kirsty J. Park

Addressing Wildlife Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields: Time for Action Journal Article

In: Environmental Science & Technology Letters, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 3-4, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Farid Gasmi; Laura Recuero Virto; Denis Couvet

An empirical analysis of economic growth in countries exposed to coastal risks: Implications for their ecosystems Journal Article

In: Economic Systems, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 101130, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Marek Czerwinski; Alain Vian; Ben A. Woodcock; Piotr Golinski; Laura Recuero Virto; ?ukasz Januszkiewicz

Do electromagnetic fields used in telecommunications affect wild plant species? A control impact study conducted in the field Journal Article

In: Ecological Indicators, vol. 150, pp. 110267, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Maxime Sèbe; Laura Recuero Virto; Pierre Scemama; Anne Choquet; Jean-Luc Jung; Aldo Chircop; Phénia Marras-Aït Razouk; Sylvain Michel; Valérie Stiger-Pouvreau

Maritime transportation: Let's slow down a bit Journal Article

In: Science Of The Total Environment, vol. 811, pp. 152262, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Laura Recuero Virto; Hervé Dumez; Carlos Romero; Denis Bailly

How can ports act to reduce underwater noise from shipping? Identifying effective management frameworks Journal Article

In: Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol. 174, pp. 113136, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Farid Gasmi; Laura Recuero Virto; Denis Couvet

The impact of renewable versus non?renewable natural capital on economic growth Journal Article

In: Environmental & Resource Economics, vol. 77, no. 2, pp. 271-333, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Gerald G. Singh; Nathalie Hilmi; Joey R. Bernhardt; Andres M. Cisneros Montemayor; Madeline Cashion; Yoshitaka Ota; Sevil Acar; Jason M. Brown; Richard Cottrell; Salpie Djoundourian; Pedro C. González-Espinosa; Vicky Lam; Nadine Marshall; Barbara Neumann; Nicolas Pascal; Gabriel Reygondeau; Joacim Rockl?v; Alain Safa; Laura Recuero Virto; William Cheung

Climate impacts on the ocean are making the Sustainable Development Goals a moving target travelling away from us Journal Article

In: People and nature, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 317-330, 2019.

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Tamatoa Bambridge; Frédérique Chlous; Paul D'Arcy; Joachim Claudet; Nicolas Pascal; Stéphanie Reynaud; Riccardo Rodolfo-Metalpah; Sylvie Tambutté; Aurelie Thomassin; Laura Recuero Virto

Society-based solutions to coral reef threats in french pacific territories Journal Article

In: Regional Studies In Marine Science, vol. 29, pp. 100667, 2019.

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Nathalie Hilmi; David Osborn; Sevil Acar; Tamatoa Bambridge; Frédérique Chlous; Mine Cinar; Salpie Djoundourian; Gunnar Haraldsson; Vicky Lam; Samir Maliki; Annick de Marffy Mantuano; Nadine Marshall; Paul Marshall; Nicolas Pascal; Laura Recuero Virto; Katrin Rehdanz; Alain Safa

Socio-economic tools to mitigate the impacts of ocean acidification on economies and communities reliant on coral reefs: a framework for prioritization Journal Article

In: Regional Studies In Marine Science, vol. 28, pp. 100559, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Laura Recuero Virto

A preliminary assessment of the indicators for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development Journal Article

In: Marine Policy, vol. 98, pp. 47-57, 2018.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Laura Recuero Virto; Jean-Louis Weber; Mathilde Jeantil

Natural Capital Accounts and Public Policy Decisions: Findings From a Survey Journal Article

In: Ecological Economics, vol. 144, pp. 244-259, 2018.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Laura Recuero Virto; Marek Czerwinski; Arno Thielens

Telecommunications radiation and green roofs: A challenge or an opportunity for the deployment of smart and intelligent systems? Conference

ICTO 2024: Augmented Intelligence for Smarter Cities?, Paris, France, 2024.

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Maxime Sèbe; Fabien Yao; Laura Recuero Virto

Economic analyses SHIPtrase project : Linking policy and economics to biogeochemical cycling and air-sea interaction Conference

Expert seminar 2022 ShipTRASE (funded by the Agence Nationale de Recherche (ANR), France), Kiel, Germany, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Anna Rutgersson; Christa Marandino; Denis Booge; Shams El Hajjaji; Rohan Kumar; Nele Matz-Lück; Laura Recuero Virto; Kent Salo; Maxime Sèbe; Fabien Yao

ShipTRASE, Global shipping: Linking policy and economics to biogeochemical cycling and air-sea interaction Conference

Joint TAP and S&E Conference ?2023, Gotenborg, Sweden, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Laura Recuero Virto; Marek Czerwinski; Jérémy Froidevaux

The determinants of legislation for radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) with the onset of 5G: An empirical analysis with a worldwide cross-sectional dataset Conference

Bioelectromagnetics, Oxford, UK, 2023.

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Rohan Kumar; Anna Rutgersson; Maxime Sèbe; Laura Recuero Virto; Fabien Yao; Shams El Hajjaji; Kent Salo; Denis Booge; Christa Marandino

Scenarios construction - Stakeholder seminar 2023 ShipTRASE Conference

Stakeholder seminar 2023 ShipTRASE: Linking policy and economics to biogeochemical cycling and air-sea interaction, Paris, France, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Proceedings Articles

Laura Recuero Virto; Marek Czerwinski; Jérémy Froidevaux

5G, artificial intelligence and innovation: The role of the determinants of legislation for electromagnetic fields Proceedings Article

In: Ethical & Responsible Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Societies ., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Paris, France, 2023, ISBN: To come.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Laura Recuero Virto; Linwood Pendleton; Adrien Comte; Denis Bailly

Aide à la prise de décision : évaluation et suivi de la vulnérabilité sociale et écologique des socio-écosystèmes dépendant des récifs coralliens Miscellaneous

OCEAN University Initiative Policy Brief series, 2024.

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Laura Recuero Virto; Adrien Comte; Linwood Pendleton; Denis Bailly

In support of decision-making: Assessing and monitoring the social and ecological vulnerability of coral reef-dependent socio-ecosystems Miscellaneous

OCEAN University Initiative Policy Brief series, 2024.

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Laura Recuero Virto; Jérémy Froidevaux

5G à Paris et au Havre : deux approches distinctes pour arbitrer entre potentiel économique et incertitudes sanitaires Miscellaneous

The Conversation, 2024.

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Laura Recuero Virto; Fabienne Daures; Olivier Guyander; Laurent Chauvaud; Arnaud Huvet

Objectif de développement durable n°14 sur l'océan. Quelques éclairages sur les subventions à la pêche, le bruit et les plastiques. Miscellaneous

OCEAN University Initiative Policy Brief series, 2024.

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Laura Recuero Virto; Denis Couvet; Farid Gasmi

Quel développement pour les territoires exposés aux risques côtiers ? Miscellaneous

The conversation, 2023.

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Laura Recuero Virto; Fabienne Daures; Olivier Guyander; Laurent Chauvaud; Christophe Maes; Arnaud Huvet

Sustainable Development Goal 14 on the ocean Some insights on fisheries subsidies, noise and plastics Miscellaneous

OCEAN University Initiative Policy Brief series, 2023.

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Mathieu Perona; Laura Recuero Virto; Maxime Sèbe; Fabien Yao

Consumption, Technology and Wellbeing Miscellaneous

Policy Brief Ocean University Initiative, 2023.

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Mathieu Perona; Laura Recuero Virto; Maxime Sèbe; Fabien Yao

Consommation, technologie et bien-être Miscellaneous

OCEAN University Initiative Policy Brief series, 2023.

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Denis Booge; Johan Mellqvist; Vladimir Conde; Maxime Sèbe; Shams El Hajjaji; Anna Rutgersson; Christa Marandino; Kent Salo; Laura Recuero Virto; Nele Matz-Lück

Transdisciplinary Research for Ocean Sustainability Miscellaneous

GEOMAR eds, Policy Paper, 2023.

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Laura Recuero Virto; Hervé Dumez; Pascal Galichon; Manuel Muntoni; Florent Le Courtois

Underwater noise What can we learn from the port of Le Havre case study? Miscellaneous

OCEAN University Initiative Policy Brief series, 2020.

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Laura Recuero Virto; Hervé Dumez; Pascal Galichon; Florent Le Courtois; Manuel Muntoni

Bruit sous-marin Que pouvons-nous apprendre de l'étude de cas du port du Havre ? Miscellaneous

OCEAN University Initiative Policy Brief series, 2020.

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Laura Recuero Virto; Anne-France Didier; Kumi Kitamori

Monitoring Sustainable Development Goal 14 on the ocean Miscellaneous

OCEAN University Initiative Policy Brief series, 2018.

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Laura Recuero Virto; Modou Thiaw

Questions about Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) Miscellaneous

OCEAN University Initiative Policy Brief series, 2018.

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Laura Recuero Virto; Modou Thiaw

Questions sur les Aires Marines Protégées (AMP) Miscellaneous

OCEAN University Initiative Policy Brief series, 2018.

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Laura Recuero Virto; Anne-France Didier; Kumi Kitamori

Suivi de l'Objectif de Développement Durable 14 sur l'océan Miscellaneous

OCEAN University Initiative Policy Brief series, 2018.

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Technical Reports

Laura Recuero Virto

A preliminary assessment of indicators for SDG 14 on Oceans Technical Report

OECD 2, rue André Pascal, 2017.

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