
Edouard Pignot

De Vinci Research Center

Edouard Pignot

Edouard Pignot is an Associate professor at EMLV. He holds a PhD in Management Science from Warwick Business School, University of Warwick. His PhD has drawn on psychoanalytical theory and information systems research to address the growing importance of gamification in modern organizations and management. In the past, he has hold research and teaching position at the European Research Center for Information Systems, Münster University in Germany and at the Department of Psychological & Behavioural Science (PBS), London School of Economics. He is specialized in organization studies, organizational psychology and management information systems. His research explores the role of the self, affect, and emotions within the digital space, particularly examining the interplay between information systems and organizations. His empirical methods consist of ethnography along with interviews and archival research. Besides gamification, he is also exploring digital phenomena such as algorithmic management, blockchain and social media. His teaching portfolio includes courses in Information management: Theories, Digital business, Current and Emerging Trends in Digitalization, Digital and Technology Culture, Management of Innovation, Strategic management and change, Research bootcamp and Qualitative research methods. He has implemented pedagogical innovations in the classroom, such as using virtual reality and 360-degree video with Meta Quest 3 headsets. He has published in various outlets such as Journal of Association for Information Systems, Organization, Information and Organization, Ephemera, FNEGE Médias, or The Conversation.



Articles de journaux

Edouard Pignot; Mark Thompson

Affect and relational agency: How a negative ontology can broaden our understanding of IS research Article de journal

Dans: Information And Organization, vol. 34, no. 1, p. 100500, 2024.

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Edouard Pignot

Who is pulling the strings in the platform economy? Accounting for the dark and unexpected sides of algorithmic control Article de journal

Dans: Organization, vol. 30, no. 1, p. 140-167, 2023.

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Edouard Pignot; Davide Nicolini; Mark Thompson

Affective Politics and Technology Buy-In: A Framework of Social, Political, and Fantasmatic Logics Article de journal

Dans: Journal Of The Association For Information Systems, vol. 21, no. 4, p. 901-935, 2020.

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Edouard Pignot

Bringing down the house (of Goldman Sachs): Analyzing corrupt forms of trading with Lacan Article de journal

Dans: Ephemera, vol. 15, no. 2, p. 387-409, 2015.

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Edouard Pignot; Thomas Lennerfors

Anti-work as affective commons: dogmatism, confidence, scepticism, and terror Conférence

38th EGOS colloquium, Cagliari, Italy, 2023.

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Edouard Pignot

Serious game design as control practice Conférence

Control-as-Practice workshop, ESSEC Business School Paris, France, 2022.

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Edouard Pignot; Mark Thompson

Engaging with emotions in sociomaterial practices: An affect-based model of agency Conférence

Organization, Artefacts, Practices Workshop, San Francisco, United States, 2022.

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Edouard Pignot

Organizing desire through technology: authenticity and new forms of informal control? Paper in progress Conférence

2019 Organization Studies Workshop, Mykonos, Grèce, 2019.

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Edouard Pignot; Mark Thompson

Affect as a mediator in socio-material practices: A tri-partite model of decentered agency Conférence

IFIP 8.2 Working Conference, San Francisco, USA, 2018.

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Edouard Pignot

The true power of games: A study of developers' affective and ethical modes of engagement at work Conférence

33rd EGOS colloquium, Copenhagen, 2017.

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Edouard Pignot; Simeon Vidolov; Stefan Klein

IT design as a vanishing and foregrounding performance: from immersive to open virtual learning environment Conférence

10th International Critical Management Studies Conference, Liverpool, 2017.

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Edouard Pignot

Ideological materiality in organizations: Rethinking the relationship between affect, work and technolog Conférence

Workshop Organizations, Artifacts and Practices (OAP), Singapore, 2017.

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Edouard Pignot

Ideology is the Engine: How fantasy and political subjectivity play out when designing serious games and virtual worlds Conférence

Quadrangular Conference on Technology, Organizations and Society, London, 2014.

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Edouard Pignot

Ideology is the engine: How fantasy and political enjoyment play out in the choice and adoption of game technologies Conférence

30th EGOS colloquium, Rotterdam, 2014.

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Edouard Pignot

Analyzing corrupt forms of trading at Goldman Sachs: A Lacanian approach Conférence

Reworking Lacan at Work, Paris, 2013.

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Edouard Pignot

Is serious-games design political? The competing logics at stake when choosing and adopting a game engine?? Conférence

IEEE International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications, Bournemouth, 2013.

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Edouard Pignot

The ideology of the virtual and the practice of serious gaming Conférence

EDAMBA Summer Academy (European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management and Business Administration), Sorèze, 2012.

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Book Sections

Edouard Pignot; Mark Thompson

Lacan's challenge to posthumanism: The ethical case for speaking subjects Book Section

Dans: S. Gherardi F. de Vaujany?,; da Silva, P. Batista (Ed.): Organization Studies and Posthumanism. Towards a More-than-Human World, vol. 1, p. 269-286, Routledge, United Kingdom, 2024, ISBN: 9781032614243.

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Edouard Pignot; Hajer Kefi; Mark Thompson

Affective Circulation via Social Media: Examining Climate Change as an Example Book Section

Dans: M.R. Jones, Mukherjee (Ed.): After Latour: Globalisation, Inequity and Climate Change, vol. 696, p. 21-27, Springer, Cham, 2023, ISBN: 978-3-031-50153-1.

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Edouard Pignot

Ideological materiality at work: A Lacanian approach Book Section

Dans: L. Introna, Kavanagh (Ed.): Beyond interpretivism new encounters with technology and organization, vol. 1, p. 93-107, Springer, Cham, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-319-49733-4.

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Proceedings Articles

Edouard Pignot; Hajer Kefi; Mark Thompson

Affective circulation through social media: the case of climate activism Proceedings Article

Dans: Arunima S. Mukherjee Matthew R. Jones, Devinder Thapa (Ed.): After Latour: Globalisation, Inequity and Climate Change, p. 21-27, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology Springer Nature, Hyderabad, Inde, 2023, ISBN: Print ISBN978-3-031-50153-1.

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Edouard Pignot

Doit-on tout « gamifier » ? Quand le jeu vidéo s'immisce jusque dans la science Divers

The Conversation, 2024.

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Edouard Pignot

Affect and information systems Divers

FNEGE Médias, Video, 2024.

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Edouard Pignot

Affect and information systems Divers

FNEGE Médias, Podcast, 2024.

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Edouard Pignot

La (déjà) longue histoire de la monétisation des jeux vidéo Divers

The Conversation, 2024.

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Edouard Pignot

Le tournant critique des systèmes d'information Divers

FNEGE Médias, Video, 2023.

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Edouard Pignot

Le tournant critique des systèmes d'information Divers

FNEGE Médias, Podcast, 2023.

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Edouard Pignot

La « jouissance cynique », un moteur de l'activité des VTC Divers

The Conversation, 2021.

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