
Fawaz Baddar Al Hussan

De Vinci Research Center

Fawaz Baddar Al Hussan

Dr. Fawaz Baddar Alhussan is Associate Professor of Strategic Sales & Account Management at Leonard de Vinci Business School (EMLV) Paris, and the MBA Programme Director. Previously he was Assistant Professor of Sales Management and the Academic Director for the MSc International Business Negotiation at IESEG School of Management. He was a Lecturer of Marketing at Middlesex University, and the programme leader for the MA International and Cross Cultural Marketing. Fawaz research explores International Key Account Management in the Arab World and emerging economies. His research brings a new dimension of understanding how business is conducted in emerging economies and in the field of industrial marketing in cross cultural contexts where there is a lack of knowledge in that domain, and gives more insights about the transfer of practices across borders that enhances the understanding of global management. He has conducted research in Arab and Western MNCs, such as Orange, Zain, Umniah, Societe General, HSBC, Polycom, Dell, Holiday Inn, Arab Bank, LafargeHolcim. Fawaz is also an active member of the Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group (IMP), the largest body in the world dealing specifically with marketing, purchasing and technological development in a business-to-business context.



Articles de journaux

Weiliang Tao; Shimei Weng; Xueli Chen; Fawaz Baddar Al Hussan; Malin Song

Artificial intelligence-driven transformations in low-carbon energy structure: Evidence from China Article de journal

Dans: Energy Economics, vol. 136, p. 107719, 2024.

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Fawaz Baddar Al Hussan; Nicholas Paparoidamis; Faten Baddar Alhusan; Peter Batt

IMP 2019 conference special edition ?Value co-creation in B2B markets? Article de journal

Dans: Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 96, p. 163-165, 2021.

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Man Zhang; Janet Hartley; Faten Baddar AL-Husan; Fawaz Baddar Al Hussan

Informal Interorganizational Business Relationships and Customer Loyalty: Comparing Guanxi, Yongo, and Wasta Article de journal

Dans: International Business Review, vol. 30, no. 3, p. 101805, 2021.

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Fawaz Baddar Al Hussan; Faten Baddar Alhusan; Shameek Sinha; Ismail Golgeci

How come you cannot identify your Key-Customers: Evidence from Jordan Conférence

AMA Global Marketing Sig, Chile, Santiago, 2023.

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Book Sections

Fawaz Baddar Al Hussan; David J. Newlands

Sourcing and Manufacturing in the Market Region Book Section

Dans: Khan, S. B.; (eds.), S. I. Sümer (Ed.): Modern Perspectives in Business Applications, p. 23-39, London : IntechOpen, 2020.

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Fawaz Baddar Al Hussan; Faten Baddar Alhusan

'Privatisation, investments and human resources in foreign firms operating in the Middle East' Book Section

Dans: Ltd, London: Edward Elgar Publishing (Ed.): Handbook of Human Resource Management in the Middle East, p. 339-366, London: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2016.

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