
Insaf Khelladi

De Vinci Research Center

Insaf Khelladi

Insaf Khelladi is an Associate Professor of Marketing at EMLV Business School (Paris). She holds a Doctoral degree in Management & an MBA from IAE Nice - Université Côte d'Azur. Insaf's research interests evolve around the underlying cognitive processes in the online, offline and human-machine interaction contexts, and their inherent consequences on individual (consumer, individual investor), group (virtual teams, entrepreneurial teams, generational cohort), organizational (corporate e-reputation, Champagne houses) and industry (wine) level. Insaf is currently acting as Regional & Real Impact Editor for the Journal of Knowledge Management. She published in journals such as JBR, TFSC, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, International Marketing Review, Management Decision, Journal of Technology Transfer, Revue d'Economie Régionale et Urbaine, etc. Insaf has 10 years of teaching experience (French & English, undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate such as MBA and DBA level). She has been working for 10 years in managing development projects within several international organizations (e.g., IFC, World Bank, EU projects, UNDP).



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Articles de journaux

Hajer Kefi; Insaf Khelladi; Zied Mani; Nathalie Veg-Sala

AI-enabled social support chatbot usage: flowing ambivalence and liminalities Article de journal

Dans: Journal of Decision Systems, p. 1-24, 2024.

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Sana Larif; Moez Essid; Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi

Knowledge-brokering activities as enactors of innovative constructive deviance in open R&D projects Article de journal

Dans: R&D Management, vol. 54, no. 3, p. 431-449, 2024.

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Insaf Khelladi; Catherine Lejealle; Saeedeh Rezaee Vessal; Sylvaine Castellano; Dominico Graziano

Why do people buy virtual clothes? Article de journal

Dans: Journal Of Consumer Behaviour, vol. 23, no. 3, p. 1389-1405, 2024.

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Insaf Khelladi; Sylvaine Castellano; Catherine Lejealle

Sustainability as the Missing Link to Uncover the Double Edge of NFT Technology Legitimacy Article de journal

Dans: Innovations, vol. 44, no. 2, p. 23-51, 2024.

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Saeedeh Rezaee Vessal; Judith Partouche; Insaf Khelladi; Sylvaine Castellano; Mehmet A. Orhan; Rossella Sorio

When cause familiarity leads to positive attitudes toward brands in a cause-brand alliance: a cross-cultural study during the COVID-19 pandemic Article de journal

Dans: International Marketing Review, vol. 40, no. 5, p. 1245-1262, 2023.

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Insaf Khelladi; Sylvaine Castellano; Edouard Charles Vincotte

The role of social intrapreneurship and serious games in generating social innovation in the healthcare sector Article de journal

Dans: International Journal Of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 2023.

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Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi; Rossella Sorio; Saeedeh Rezaee Vessal; Judith Partouche; Mehmet A. Orhan

Cause-related marketing in pandemic context?The effects of cause-brand fit and cause-brand alliance on customer-based legitimacy and reputation Article de journal

Dans: Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility, vol. 32, no. S3, p. 196-211, 2023.

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Janine Hobeika; Insaf Khelladi; Mehmet A. Orhan

Analyzing the CSR perception from customer relationship quality perspective. An application to the retail banking sector Article de journal

Dans: Corporate Social Responsibility And Environmental Management, vol. 29, no. 6, p. 2053-2064, 2022.

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Mehmet A. Orhan; Insaf Khelladi; Sylvaine Castellano; Sanjay Kumar Singh

Work experience on algorithm-based platforms: The bright and dark sides of turking Article de journal

Dans: Technological Forecasting And Social Change, vol. 183, p. 121907, 2022.

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Catherine Lejealle; Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi

The role of members' lived experience in the evolution of online communities toward online communities of practice Article de journal

Dans: Journal Of Knowledge Management, vol. 26, no. 8, p. 1968-1984, 2022.

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Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi; Chiraz Aouina Mejri

Communicating customer value proposition in the French pharmaceutical industry. The case of OTC drugs Article de journal

Dans: Journal Of Business & Industrial Marketing, vol. 37, no. 8, p. 1675-1687, 2022.

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Insaf Khelladi; Sylvaine Castellano; Janine Hobeika; Mirko Perano; David Rutambuka

Customer knowledge hiding behavior in service multi-sided platforms Article de journal

Dans: Journal Of Business Research, vol. 140, p. 482-490, 2022.

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Sylvaine Castellano; Komes Chandavimol; Insaf Khelladi; Mehmet A. Orhan

Impact of self-leadership and shared leadership on the performance of virtual R&D teams Article de journal

Dans: Journal Of Business Research, vol. 128, p. 578-586, 2021.

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David Kalisz; Insaf Khelladi; Sylvaine Castellano; Rossella Sorio

The adoption, diffusion & categorical ambiguity trifecta of social robots in e-health - Insights from healthcare professionals Article de journal

Dans: Futures, vol. 129, p. 102743, 2021.

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Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi; Silvester Ivanaj

Entrepreneurial Intensity and Firm Performance: The Role of Institutional Ambidexterity Article de journal

Dans: Ieee Transactions On Engineering Management, vol. 68, no. 2, p. 350-359, 2021.

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Insaf Khelladi; Sylvaine Castellano; Vincent Dutot; Jean-Marc Lehu; Raphaela C. Haeb

The Influence of Geolocated Mobile Coupons on Customer Behavior Article de journal

Dans: International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, vol. 17, no. 2, p. 23-39, 2021.

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Mehmet A. Orhan; Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi; Luca Marinelli; Filippo Monge

Technology distraction at work. Impacts on self-regulation and work engagement Article de journal

Dans: Journal Of Business Research, vol. 126, p. 341-349, 2021.

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Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi; Rossella Sorio; Mehmet A. Orhan; David Kalisz

Exploring the microfoundations of nomadic dynamic capabilities: The example of Flying Winemakers Article de journal

Dans: Technological Forecasting And Social Change, vol. 163, p. 120445, 2021.

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Judith Partouche; Saeedeh Rezaee Vessal; Rossella Sorio; Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi; Mehmet A. Orhan

How death anxiety influences coping strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic: investigating the role of spirituality, national identity, lockdown and trust Article de journal

Dans: Journal Of Marketing Management, vol. 37, no. 17-18, p. 1815-1839, 2021.

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Insaf Khelladi; Sylvaine Castellano; David Kalisz

The smartization of metropolitan cities: the case of Paris Article de journal

Dans: International Entrepreneurship And Management Journal, vol. 16, no. 4, p. 1301-1325, 2020.

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Judith Partouche; Saeedeh Rezaee Vessal; Insaf Khelladi; Sylvaine Castellano; Georgia Sakka

Effects of cause-related marketing campaigns on consumer purchase behavior among French millennials: A regulatory focus approach Article de journal

Dans: International Marketing Review, vol. 37, no. 5, p. 923-943, 2020.

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Olga Ivanova; Javier Flores-Zamora; Insaf Khelladi; Silvester Ivanaj

The generational cohort effect in the context of responsible consumption Article de journal

Dans: Management Decision, vol. 57, no. 5, p. 1162-1183, 2019.

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Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi; Justine Charlemagne; Jean-Paul Susini

Uncovering the role of virtual agents in co-creation contexts: An application to the online wine business Article de journal

Dans: Management Decision, vol. 56, no. 6, p. 1232-1246, 2018.

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Insaf Khelladi; Sylvaine Castellano; Aurore Bertaud

Les déterminants de la confiance de l'internaute dans le contexte d'une collecte de crowdfunding Article de journal

Dans: Innovations, vol. 56, no. 2, p. 117-140, 2018.

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Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi

Legitimacy: the missing link in investigating the dynamics of entrepreneurial teams in successful champagne houses Article de journal

Dans: International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, vol. 32, no. 1/2, p. 160-180, 2017.

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Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi; Loick Menvielle

Unveiling the sustainable facet of the conventional entrepreneur-a cognitive approach Article de journal

Dans: International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, vol. 31, no. 3, p. 434-450, 2017.

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Sylvaine Castellano; Philippe Davidson; Insaf Khelladi

Creativity techniques to enhance knowledge transfer within global virtual teams in the context of knowledge-intensive enterprises Article de journal

Dans: Journal Of Technology Transfer, vol. 42, p. 253-266, 2017.

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Insaf Khelladi; Amelie Boutinot

The Role of Wikipedia on Corporate E-Reputation: Evidence from French Companies Article de journal

Dans: International Studies of Management and Organization, vol. 47, no. 1, p. 23-41, 2017.

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Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi

How French wine producers use open innovation to gain and manage their legitimacy Article de journal

Dans: Journal Of The Knowledge Economy, vol. 7, p. 155-171, 2016.

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Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi

Reputation, Image, and Social Media as Determinants of e-Reputation: The Case of Digital Natives and Luxury Brands Article de journal

Dans: International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, vol. 12, no. 4, p. 48-64, 2016.

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Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi

Influence du territoire sur la légitimité et le prix : le cas du secteur viti-vinicole français Article de journal

Dans: Revue d'Économie Régionale et Urbaine, vol. 5, p. 801-828, 2015.

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Xiuping Liu; Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi; Susi DI VAIO

Smart ports around the world: Evaluation & Benchmark Conférence

Annual Regional Sustainable Development Conference, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2023.

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Nizar Ghamgui; Ikhlas Hentati; Nihel Louati; Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi

Investigating the interrelated drivers of eco-innovations in developing countries Conférence

5th edition of Ethical Finance and Sustainability. Energy Transition & Sustainability. Entrepreneuriat et COVID-19 : Nouvelles opportunités de croissance ?, EDC - OCRE Paris, France, 2023.

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Catherine Lejealle; Insaf Khelladi; Sylvaine Castellano

Isomorphism institutionalization process of NFT and impact on customer value creation Conférence

30 Years of Research in Innovation and Product Development Management : Discovering together the next 30, Lecco, Italy, 2023.

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Janine Hobeika; Insaf Khelladi; Sami Mansouri

Does the Banker Gender Matter? The Case of French Retail Banking Conférence

28th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science (RARCS) Conference, Baveno, Italy, 2022.

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Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi; Catherine Lejealle

Institutionalization of NFTs Conférence

Disruptechs-Agora (DTA) : Disruptive technologies and sustainaibility,, Paris-Clichy, France, 2022.

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Sylvaine Castellano; Nizar Ghamgui; Insaf Khelladi

The double hedge of NFT projects' legitimacy Conférence

4th edition of Ethical Finance and Sustainability. Energy Transition & Sustainability,, EDC Paris Business School Paris, France, 2022.

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Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi; Nizar Ghamgui; Valentin Doucet

A comparative study of NFTs business models among USA and French projects Conférence

Les Ateliers de la Recherche et du Développement, EM Normandie/Métis, ISTEC, ESC Amiens, PSB Le Havre, France, 2022.

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Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi; Rossella Sorio; David Kalisz

Hybrid products and categorical ambiguity. Perception of social robots in the e-health context Conférence

RNI Forum Innovation IX & Summer School, Naples, Italy, 2019.

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Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi; Rossella Sorio; Vincent Dutot; Justine Charlemagne

The prescriptive roles of avatars in the online wine shopping experience Conférence

10th International Research Meeting in Business and Management, Nice, France, 2019.


Book Sections

Pascal Clain; Insaf Khelladi; Christophe Rodrigues; Alessandro Biancalani; Guillaume Guérard; Saeedeh Rezaee Vessal

Increase Social Acceptability of Nuclear Fusion, Agrivoltaics, and Offshore Wind Through National Support Programmes Book Section

Dans: A. Crowther, Foulds (Ed.): Strengthening European Energy Policy: Governance Recommendations From Innovative Interdisciplinary Collaborations, p. pp. 101-113, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, ISBN: 978-3-031-66481-6.

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Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi

Quels sont les avantages perçus de la réalité augmentée pour les entreprises et le grand public ? Book Section

Dans: Aubry, Mathilde; Sow, Mamadou Sanoussy (Ed.): La transformation digitale en entreprise : 100 Questions/Réponses., Ellipses, Paris, 2021.

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Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi

Qu'est-ce que la réalité augmentée ? Book Section

Dans: Aubry, Mathilde; Sow, Mamadou Sanoussy (Ed.): La transformation digitale en entreprise : 100 Questions/Réponses., Ellipses, Paris, 2021.

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Insaf Khelladi; Sylvaine Castellano

Play It Like Burberry! The Effect of Reputation, Brand Image, and Social Media on E-Reputation-Luxury Brands and Their Digital Natives Fans Book Section

Dans: Habib, Maki (Ed.): Handbook of Research on the Evolution of IT and the Rise of E-Society, vol. chapter 13, p. 281-300, IGI Global, 2019, ISBN: 978-1522572145.

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Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi

Play It Like Beckham! The Influence of Social Networks on E-Reputation-The Case of Sportspeople and Their Online Fan Base Book Section

Dans: Mesquita, Anabela (Ed.): Research Paradigms and Contemporary Perspectives on Human-Technology Interaction, vol. chapter 3, p. 43-61, IGI Global, 2017, ISBN: 978-1522518686.

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Proceedings Articles

Douniazed Filali-Boissy; Elodie Jouny-Rivier; Insaf Khelladi; Catherine Lejealle

Influenceurs virtuels vs réels : Analyse des mécanismes d'influence sous le prisme de la théorie du pouvoir social Proceedings Article

Dans: 23ème Colloque sur le Marketing Digital, Paris, France, 2024.

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Shiyang Fan; Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi

Inheritance of Chinese Family Businesses Proceedings Article

Dans: Annual Regional Sustainable Development Conference 2022 - Entrepreneurs, innovation and regional sustainable development, Da Nang, Vietnam, 2022.

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Nihel Louati; Ikhlas Hentati; Nizar Ghamgui; Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi; Sanjay Kumar Singh

Entrepreneurial Failure During the COVID 19 : Evidence from Developing Countries Proceedings Article

Dans: 11th International Conference on Management Practices and Research. Theme: Changing Dynamics in Management and Leadership Post Pandemic, Apeejay School of Management New Delhi, India, 2022.

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Insaf Khelladi; Catherine Lejealle; Saeedeh Rezaee Vessal; Sylvaine Castellano

Individuals' motivations to purchase virtual clothes Proceedings Article

Dans: IEEE International Conference on Technology Management, Operations and Decisions, Online, 2021.

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Sylvaine Castellano; Insaf Khelladi

The role of heritage to sustain legacy and transgenerational entrepreneurship - Evidence from French Champagne Houses Proceedings Article

Dans: IFERA 2020 Annual Conference, Santander, Spain, 2020, ISBN: 979-12-200-6730-0.

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