
Jingshu Du

De Vinci Research Center

Jingshu Du

Dr. Jingshu Du is Associate Professor of Innovation and Strategy at Léonard de Vinci Pôle Universitaire Research Center in Paris, France. Before joining EMLV, she was Assistant Professor of Strategic management and Innovation at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands); Senior Associate at Vlerick Business School of KULeuven (Belgium); and FWO granted long-stay research scholar at University of California, Berkeley (The United States). Jingshu teaches at the Ph.D, EMBA, MBA, and Master levels. Jingshu's research focuses on open and collaborative innovation, strategic management, and is conducted in close collaboration with leading European firms in the manufacturing and pharmaceutical industries. Her research output has appeared on leading international academic journals (CNRS 1, 2), such as Research Policy, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Industrial Marketing Management (sole-author), Technovation, and R&D Management, and in several books published by Oxford University Press, Imperial College London Press, Springer, and Routledge (sole-author), respectively. Jingshu has received several prestigious awards, among which, the "National outstanding student" - placed 1st in province (2006, Beijing); "Best doctoral dissertation" of the 25th International Society for Professional Innovation Management - placed 2nd worldwide (2014, Dublin); She is the leading author of a Top 1% "Highly-cited paper" on Web of Science (2017- present); and finalist of the "Best paper" award of the Strategy division of the 80th Academy of Management (2020, Vancouver).



Articles de journaux

Elco Van Burg; Jingshu Du; Gerdien Kers Jannigje

When do academics patent outside their university? An in-depth case study Article de journal

Dans: Technovation, vol. 107, p. 102287, 2021.

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Jingshu Du

The up- and downside of collaboration in core and non-core technologies - Selective, contingent, and orchestrated openness in R&D collaborations Article de journal

Dans: Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 94, p. 187-201, 2021.

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Yufen Chen; Wim Vanhaverbeke; Jingshu Du

The Interaction between Internal R&D and Different Types of External Knowledge Sourc-ing: an Empirical Study of Chinese Innovative Firms Article de journal

Dans: R&D Management, vol. 46, no. 3, p. 1006-1023, 2016.

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Jingshu Du; Bart Leten; Wim Vanhaverbeke

When Research Meets Development: Antecedents and Implications of Transfer Speed Article de journal

Dans: Journal Of Product Innovation Management, vol. 31, no. 6, p. 1181-1198, 2014.

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Jingshu Du; Bart Leten; Wim Vanhaverbeke

Managing Open Innovation Projects with Science-based and Market-based Partners Article de journal

Dans: Research Policy, vol. 43, no. 5, p. 828-840, 2014.

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Wim Vanhaverbeke; Jingshu Du

Reframing the Role of Lead Users in Radical Innovations: an Open Innovation Perspective Article de journal

Dans: International Journal of Business Environment, vol. 3, no. 2, p. 202-220, 2010.

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Jingshu Du; Yun Chen; K Xie

A Firm-Centric Model on Technological Innovation Article de journal

Dans: Science and Technology Management Research, vol. 28, no. 10, p. 184-188, 2008.

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Emmanuel Josserand; Jingshu Du; Thibaut Bardon; Pierre-Jean Barlatier; Philippe Hermel; Émilie Ruiz

"Innovation Day" and Paper Development Workshop (PDW) Conférence

M@n@gement Special Issue, Paris, France, 2024.

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Jingshu Du; Emmanuel Josserand; Thibaut Bardon; Pierre-Jean Barlatier; Philippe Hermel; Émilie Ruiz

Special issue ?Delivering Sustainability through Ecosystem Innovation? Conférence

M@n@gement, Paris, France, 2024.

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Jingshu Du

Strategic Decision-Making Accuracy under Uncertainty Conférence

Academy of Management Journal Paper Development Workshop, Academy of Management Journal Madrid, IE University, Spain, 2022.


Book Sections

Jingshu Du

Business Model Innovation and Transformation in Dynamic Environments Book Section

Dans: Brian Tjemkes, Oli Mihalache (Ed.): Transformative Strategies : Strategic Thinking in the Age of Globalization, Disruption, Collaboration and Responsibility, p. 65-82, Routledge, 2021, ISBN: 978-0367223113.

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Li Yuan; Jingshu Du; Sylvia Van de Bunt

Social Capital Networking in China and the Traditional Values of Guanxi. Book Section

Dans: Ramady, M. (Ed.): The political economy of 'Wasta': use and abuse of social capital networking, vol. 14, p. 173-183, Springer, New York City, United States, 2016, ISBN: 0018-1560.

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Jingshu Du; Wim Vanhaverbeke; Bart Leten

Exploring Open Innovation at the Level of Research Projects Book Section

Dans: Wim Vanhaverbeke Henry Chesbrough, Joel West (Ed.): New frontiers in open innovation, vol. Chapter 6, p. 115-134, Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon St, Oxford OX2 6DP, United Kingdom, 2014, ISBN: -.

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Wim Vanhaverbeke; Jingshu Du; Mark von Zedtwitz

Managing Open Innovation in Multinational Enterprises: Combining Open Innovation and R&D Globalization Literature Book Section

Dans: Tidd, Joe (Ed.): Open Innovation Research, Management and Practice, vol. Chapter 8, p. 213-233, Imperial College London Press, Covent Garden, London , UK, 2013, ISBN: -.

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Proceedings Articles

Jingshu Du; Liang Wu; Heng Liu

Intrinsic or Normative Pressure and Green Management: The Role of Internal and External Bricolage Proceedings Article

Dans: European Academy of Management (EURAM), Dublin, Ireland, 2026.

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Jingshu Du; Liang Wu; Heng Liu

Intrinsic or Normative Pressure and Green Management: The Role of Internal and External Bricolage Proceedings Article

Dans: Academy of Management (AoM), Boston, The United States, 2023, ISBN: 0065-0668.

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Chao Liu; Kunru Han; Jingshu Du

Government Subsidies, Executive Incentives and Green Innovation Performance Proceedings Article

Dans: Academy of Management (AoM), Boston, The United States, 2023.

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Chao Liu; Kunru Han; Jingshu Du

Government Subsidies, Executive Incentives and Green Innovation Performance Proceedings Article

Dans: European Academy of Management (EURAM), Dublin, Ireland, 2023.

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Jingshu Du

Strategic Decision-Making Accuracy under Uncertainty Proceedings Article

Dans: Strategic Management Society, Strategic Management Society London, The United Kingdom, 2022.

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Jingshu Du; Rene Belderbos; Bart Leten

Sequentiality and Simultaneity of Multiple Partners Collaboration in R&D Projects Proceedings Article

Dans: of Management (AoM), Academy (Ed.): Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management (AoM) Academy of Management (AoM), Vancouver, Canada, 2020.

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Jingshu Du

Rethinking Competitive Advantage in Today's Strategic Management Proceedings Article

Dans: Strategic Management Society (SMS), SMS Paris, France, 2019, ISBN: -.

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Jingshu Du

Rethinking Competitive Advantage in Today's Strategic Management Proceedings Article

Dans: Academy of Management Proceedings, Boston, USA, 2019.

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Jingshu Du

Harnessing the Wisdom of the Crowd in the Evaluation of Innovative Ideas Proceedings Article

Dans: Academy of Management Proceedings, Chicago, USA, 2018.

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Jingshu Du

Research Open Innovation at the R&D Project Level Proceedings Article

Dans: International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM), International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM) International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM), Dublin, Ireland, 2014, ISBN: -.

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