Galina Shirokova; Liudmila Ivvonen; Elena Gafforova
Strategic Entrepreneurship in Russia during Economic Crisis Article de journal
Dans: Foresight and STI Governance, vol. 13, no. 3, p. 62-76, 2019.
title = {Strategic Entrepreneurship in Russia during Economic Crisis},
author = {Galina Shirokova and Liudmila Ivvonen and Elena Gafforova},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-07-01},
journal = {Foresight and STI Governance},
volume = {13},
number = {3},
pages = {62-76},
abstract = {This paper aims to explore the relationship between different components of strategic entrepreneurship (particularly, entrepreneurial mindset, innovation, managing resources strategically, and competitive advantage) and SME performance during the economic crisis. To test the theoretical model, we utilize data collected through a survey of Russian SMEs during the period of economic crisis and subsequent stagnation in 2015-2016. The findings suggest that the entrepreneurial component of strategic entrepreneurship is positively related to SME performance during the economic crisis; moreover, a significant negative link was found between SME performance of firms outside
the Central Federal Region and an interaction term of Entrepreneurial Component and Competitive Advantage
that suggests the need to choose only one type of action and
not to perform both simultaneously.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Liudmila Ivvonen; Galina Shirokova
Strategic Entrepreneurship: Essence and Main Research Directions Article de journal
Dans: Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series, vol. 4, p. 21-53, 2016.
title = {Strategic Entrepreneurship: Essence and Main Research Directions},
author = {Liudmila Ivvonen and Galina Shirokova},
url = {},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
journal = {Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series},
volume = {4},
pages = {21-53},
abstract = {The purpose of this article is to present the analysis of main research directions on strategic
entrepreneurship (SE) published in international peer-reviewed journals on management and
entrepreneurship in 2001-2016. In order to achieve the purpose, a systematic literature review
was conducted. The analysis of 70 publications identified main approaches to strategic entrepre-
neurship definition, the stages of development, main research directions and suggested possible
themes for future studies. There were identified three approaches to the study of strategic entre-
preneurship: 1) antecedents of strategic entrepreneurship; 2) impact of SE on firm's performance;
and 3) three-way interaction of antecedents of SE and firm's performance. The mentioned areas
of research were evaluated from the perspective of resource-based view which assumes that the
competitive advantage and value creation depend on the resources that are created or acquired
by a company to implement its strategy, and strategic fit concept that implies a need to align a
company strategy with the conditions of external environment. A possible direction for future
research in this field is the use of configurational approach to the study of strategic entrepreneur-
ship in order to understand which combination of entrepreneurial and strategic action enables
strategic entrepreneurship to be beneficial for the company.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Liudmila Ivvonen
Intersectional Perspective on Geographical Mobility Intentions of Entrepreneurs Conférence
The Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting, Seoul, South Korea, 2024.
title = {Intersectional Perspective on Geographical Mobility Intentions of Entrepreneurs},
author = {Liudmila Ivvonen},
url = {},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-07-01},
booktitle = {The Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting},
address = {Seoul, South Korea},
abstract = {Drawing on the embedded agency approach and considering entrepreneurs as structurally embedded agents whose choices are influenced by individual differences and the socio-political, as well as economic attributes of locations, we explore the combinations of conditions that lead to geographical mobility intentions of entrepreneurs. Our findings reveal distinct configurations that lead to geographical mobility intentions as well as their absence. Moreover, through subsample analyses, we identified how configurations vary by gender. We conclude by articulating our contribution to the research on entrepreneurial mobility and to policy in this area.},
note = {02/07/2024 au 06/07/2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Liudmila Ivvonen
Intersectional Perspective on Geographical Mobility Intentions of Entrepreneurs Conférence
Migration and Organizations Conference, Columbia Business School, Columbia University, New York, USA, 2023.
title = {Intersectional Perspective on Geographical Mobility Intentions of Entrepreneurs},
author = {Liudmila Ivvonen},
url = {},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-05-01},
booktitle = {Migration and Organizations Conference, Columbia Business School, Columbia University},
address = {New York, USA},
abstract = {Drawing on the embedded agency approach and considering entrepreneurs as structurally embedded agents whose choices are influenced by individual differences, the socio-political, and economic attributes of locations, we explore the combinations of conditions that lead to geographical mobility intentions of entrepreneurs.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Grégoire Croidieu; Patricia Bromley; Mickaël Buffart; Liudmila Ivvonen
Organizations and Environmental Sustainability Conference, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, Stanford, United States, 2023.
title = {The Cultural Construction of Disaster Preparedness: Cross-national Adoption of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), 2005-2015.},
author = {Grégoire Croidieu and Patricia Bromley and Mickaël Buffart and Liudmila Ivvonen},
url = {},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-01-01},
booktitle = {Organizations and Environmental Sustainability Conference, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Stanford University},
address = {Stanford, United States},
abstract = {Prior research has shown how decoupling, as a response to institutional pressures, enables organizations to enhance their legitimacy, while eschewing the costs, conflicts, and complexity of implementing policies. Yet, as institutional pressures increasingly incorporate accountability demands, organizations need to report public progress on implementation, and it is unclear how organizations navigate these demands. How organizations respond to accountability demands matters, as it shapes how policies get their practices implemented and create their intended outcomes. By studying the country-level reporting of a United Nations disaster preparedness policy, we test why and how organizations' socio-historical embeddedness influences policy adoption, as well as how and why organizations repurpose existing practices to implement policies.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Liudmila Ivvonen
The 48th European International Business Academy (EIBA) Annual Conference, BI Norwegian Business School Oslo, Norway, 2022.
title = {Empirical Assessment of Geographical Mobility Intentions of Entrepreneurs Using Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis},
author = {Liudmila Ivvonen},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-12-01},
booktitle = {The 48th European International Business Academy (EIBA) Annual Conference},
address = {Oslo, Norway},
organization = {BI Norwegian Business School},
abstract = {Drawing on the embedded agency approach and considering entrepreneurs as structurally embedded agents whose choices are influenced by individual differences and the socio-political, as well as economic attributes of locations, we explore the combinations of conditions that lead to geographical mobility intentions of entrepreneurs. We analyse the EU project data using a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis. We assess the necessity of conditions as well as how conditions combine in configurations that lead to geographic mobility intentions of entrepreneurs or their absence. Our findings reveal two distinct configurations that lead to these intentions as well as one configuration that leads to their absence. We conclude by articulating our contribution to the research on entrepreneurial mobility and to policy in this area.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Liudmila Ivvonen; Palesa Charlotte Felix-Faure; Marcos Barros
Entrepreneurial Identity Construction in Stigmatized Places Conférence
The 48th European International Business Academy (EIBA) Annual Conference, BI Norwegian Business School Oslo, Norway, 2022.
title = {Entrepreneurial Identity Construction in Stigmatized Places},
author = {Liudmila Ivvonen and Palesa Charlotte Felix-Faure and Marcos Barros},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-12-01},
booktitle = {The 48th European International Business Academy (EIBA) Annual Conference},
address = {Oslo, Norway},
organization = {BI Norwegian Business School},
abstract = {We explore the power effects of place stigma on entrepreneurial identity construction through a narrative analysis of the lived experience of entrepreneurs from South African townships, underdeveloped segregated urban areas located on the periphery of towns. We offer novel contributions to the narrative research of entrepreneurial identity construction.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Liudmila Ivvonen
International QCA Paper Development Workshop at ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, 2022.
title = {Empirical Assessment of Geographical Mobility Intentions of Entrepreneurs Using Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis},
author = {Liudmila Ivvonen},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-12-01},
booktitle = {International QCA Paper Development Workshop at ETH Zürich},
address = {Zürich, Switzerland},
abstract = {Drawing on the embedded agency approach and considering entrepreneurs as structurally embedded agents whose choices are influenced by individual differences and the socio-political, as well as economic attributes of locations, we explore the combinations of conditions that lead to geographical mobility intentions of entrepreneurs. We analyse the EU project data using a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis. We assess the necessity of conditions as well as how conditions combine in configurations that lead to geographic mobility intentions of entrepreneurs or their absence. Our findings reveal two distinct configurations that lead to these intentions as well as one configuration that leads to their absence. We conclude by articulating our contribution to the research on entrepreneurial mobility and to policy in this area.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Liudmila Ivvonen; Palesa Charlotte Felix-Faure; Marcos Pereira Fernandes De Barros
Entrepreneurial identity construction in stigmatized places Conférence
The 38th EGOS Colloquium, WU Vienna Vienna, Austria, 2022.
title = {Entrepreneurial identity construction in stigmatized places},
author = {Liudmila Ivvonen and Palesa Charlotte Felix-Faure and Marcos Pereira Fernandes De Barros},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-07-01},
booktitle = {The 38th EGOS Colloquium},
address = {Vienna, Austria},
organization = {WU Vienna},
abstract = {We explore the power effects of place stigma on entrepreneurial identity construction through a narrative analysis of the lived experience of entrepreneurs from marginalized places. Our findings show that two mechanisms help participants to navigate their place stigma during entrepreneurial identity construction, namely, abstract escaping and situated engagement. We offer novel contributions to the narrative research of entrepreneurial identity construction, discussion of entrepreneurship as emancipation, and research on place stigma. Our study has important policy implications that can help to advance poverty alleviation efforts.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Mickaël Buffart; Liudmila Ivvonen; Patricia Bromley; Grégoire Croidieu
The Comparative Sociology Workshop, Stanford University, United States, 2019.
title = {Cultural Construction of Disaster Preparedness: Cross-National Adoption of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), 2005-2015},
author = {Mickaël Buffart and Liudmila Ivvonen and Patricia Bromley and Grégoire Croidieu},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-02-01},
booktitle = {The Comparative Sociology Workshop, Stanford University},
address = {United States},
abstract = {In this study, we show that institutional influences are stronger than technical ones in predicting the cross-national diffusion of standards on disaster preparedness. We examine the adoption of the first global disaster risk reduction standard, the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), in 186 countries from 2005-2015. Although practical accounts emphasize the technical benefits of the framework in mitigating potential harm and damage, surprisingly, these explanations do little to explain country-level adoption - even when a nation has recently experienced a disaster. Thus, we test and find strong support for an alternative explanation, which draws on the influence of organizational sociology: that institutional influences are the primary driver diffusion of global standards. Specifically, the enduring effects of historical legacies play a particularly important role in adoption. Taken together, our results suggest that preparedness against natural disasters is a culturally mediated practice. A practical implication of our work is that many of the countries most in need of disaster preparedness may, at present, be the least prepared."},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Liudmila Ivvonen; Palesa Charlotte Felix-Faure; Marcos Barros
Entrepreneurial Identity Construction in Stigmatized Places Proceedings Article
Dans: Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, p. 18151, Academy of Management, NY, USA, 2022.
title = {Entrepreneurial Identity Construction in Stigmatized Places},
author = {Liudmila Ivvonen and Palesa Charlotte Felix-Faure and Marcos Barros},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-08-01},
booktitle = {Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings},
volume = {2022},
number = {1},
pages = {18151},
publisher = {Academy of Management},
address = {NY, USA},
abstract = {In this paper, we explore the power effects of place stigma on entrepreneurial identity construction through a narrative analysis of the lived experience of entrepreneurs living in marginalized places. Our research contributes to the narrative studies of entrepreneurial identity construction, where there is a historical prevalence of the discourses of individuality, heroics, and masculinity (Drakopoulou, Anderson, 2007; Johansson, 2004; Nicholson, Anderson, 2005; Pettersson, 2012). Our results show that the usually idealized narrative of the heroic entrepreneur, while still much alive and initial influential in our participants stories, is reappropriated and changed to better represent and change their communities' situated struggles. Our cases of entrepreneurship identity construction therefore follows a different path where the reinsertion into stigmatized place pushes participants to strategically deconstruct the typical entrepreneurial identity and build different role models for their community.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
Liudmila Ivvonen
Influence of Different Types of Reputation on Art Investments: an Experimental Study Proceedings Article
Dans: Manor, Briarcliff (Ed.): Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, p. 19068, Academy of Management Briarcliff Manor, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, 2020, ISBN:
title = {Influence of Different Types of Reputation on Art Investments: an Experimental Study},
author = {Liudmila Ivvonen},
editor = {Briarcliff Manor},
url = {},
issn = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-07-01},
booktitle = {Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings},
volume = {1},
number = {2020},
pages = {19068},
publisher = {Briarcliff Manor},
address = {Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510},
organization = {Academy of Management},
abstract = {In this paper we investigate how different types of reputation influence on the perceived investment potential of an artwork. To address this question, we conduct a 2x2x2 between-subjects anonymous online experiment. We examine the effects of expert, marker, and peer reputations of the perceived investment potential of an artwork. Moreover, we examine whether these effects depend on the visual attractiveness of an artwork. The results of our study extend our knowledge on the influence of social evaluations on art investments. We combine economic perspective on art markets (Campbell, 2009; Lovo, Spaenjers, 2018; Renneboog, Spaenjers, 2013; Worthington, Higgs, 2004) with research on social evaluations (Lange, Lee, Dai, 2011; Pollock et al., 2019; Rindova et al., 2005) by showing the importance of social evaluations for the investments decisions. Moreover, we extent research on multiplicity of reputations (Boutinot et al., 2017; Ertug et al., 2016; Fini et al., 2018; Jensen, Kim, Kim, 2011; Kim, Jensen, 2014) by clarifying the influence of different audience- specific reputations and showing that they can have both positive and negative effects on investment potential perceptions within art markets. Our study also contributes to the growing stream of literature on the commercialization of culture and commodification of art objects (Beckert, Rössel, 2013; Velthuis, 2007)."},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
Mickaël Buffart; Liudmila Ivvonen; Patricia Bromley; Grégoire Croidieu
When Institutional Factors Matter Most: Cross-National Variation in Disaster Risk Reduction Planning Proceedings Article
Dans: Academy of Management Proceedings, p. 13840, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, 2020, ISBN:
title = {When Institutional Factors Matter Most: Cross-National Variation in Disaster Risk Reduction Planning},
author = {Mickaël Buffart and Liudmila Ivvonen and Patricia Bromley and Grégoire Croidieu},
url = {},
issn = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-07-01},
booktitle = {Academy of Management Proceedings},
volume = {2020},
number = {1},
pages = {13840},
address = {Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510},
abstract = {In this study, we show that institutional influences are stronger than technical ones in predicting the cross-national diffusion of standards on disaster preparedness. We examine the adoption of the first global disaster risk reduction standard, the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), in 186 countries from 2005-2015. Although practical accounts emphasize the technical benefits of the framework in mitigating potential harm and damage, surprisingly, these explanations do little to explain country-level adoption - even when a nation has recently experienced a disaster. Thus, we test and find strong support for an alternative explanation, which draws on the influence of organizational sociology: that institutional influences are the primary driver diffusion of global standards. Specifically, the enduring effects of historical legacies play a particularly important role in adoption. Taken together, our results suggest that preparedness against natural disasters is a culturally mediated practice. A practical implication of our work is that many of the countries most in need of disaster preparedness may, at present, be the least prepared."},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
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